“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed at the magnitude of a need. At Katalis we focus on the difference we can make and celebrate those steps one spark at a time.
Would you join us by becoming a monthly donor? Consider the impact:
9 donors giving $25/month provides a full college scholarship to one of our students
1 $10/month commitment supplies English language teaching materials - equipping entire communities with the language skills to obtain gainful employment
recurring donations of any size allow us to plan for the future and expand our programs
100% of individual donations made to Katalis go directly into our programs
Participate in our Annual Golf Event (for ICMG members)
For the 5th year running we will be partnering with Inter-Company Marketing Group (ICMG) and Lifesong for Orphans in our annual charity golf event. This signature event supports our work year round, and is open to ICMG attendees and their spouse / significant other.
race sponsorship
Are you a runner looking for a cause? Let Katalis help motivate you to the finish line with race sponsorships. Submit your information for more details.
shop with a purpose
Ever wake up and wonder how you can change the world over a cup of coffee? What if that coffee made all the difference? Katalis has teamed up with Gobena Coffee and now simply by purchasing your coffee through this link 50% of your purchases come right back to Katalis. Coffee really does make the world go round.
Sponsored Scholarships
The Katalis Sponsored Scholarship program is an opportunity for individuals and organizations to strategically invest in Haiti by creating designated scholarships in specific fields. Sponsored Scholarships are awarded for the duration of a student's program, and named after the respective sponsor. For more information complete the form below or call Executive Director, Sarah Fuchs at 925.895.1602.
MacMaster Winestravaganza 2022
Fall 2022
Join us for our annual MacMaster Winestravaganza! A wine tasting weekend in the stunning Michigan wine country organized by our very own wine enthusiast - board member, Coby MacMaster.
VIP weekend ticket includes: accommodations (3 nights, Fri-Sun), all meals, wine tasting fees & transportation, commemorative wine tumbler, and $100 tax deductible donation to Katalis
Winestravaganza ticket includes: day-long wine tastings, winery transportation, lunch, commemorative wine tumbler, and $50 tax deductible donation to Katalis
tickets available in early 2022, so stay tuned!